The God within : Corona Chronicle #074

In 2011, he bought a Ford Endeavour for himself.

It was like a prized possession to him and he always treated his SUV like a diamond of his crown.

He paid extra money on a premium number plate – 007 and even a customised music system.

When the nationwide lockdown was announced due to coronavirus, he used his SUV as an ambulance to help people reach hospitals.

He was maintaining the precautions and just helping people.

On May 28th, his business partner called him.

His business partner was sobbing and he was terribly shook by the sound of his voice.

When he got to know about what happened, he was in utter shock and couldn’t understand what to say next.

His business partner’s sister was six months pregnant and was a COVID-19 patient.

She was unable to breathe and 5 hospitals had denied her admission.

She was in an auto rickshaw outside another hospital.

But she soon was unable to survive through it and was on her heavenly abode with her unborn child.

This incident gave him chills and inspired him too.

He talked to a few doctor friends who told him that she could be saved if she got oxygen on time.

This made him decide that he had to do provide oxygen cylinders and to raise money for that, he sold his beloved SUV.

He contacted a manfucaturer directly and has helped over 250 patients all over Mumbai by giving out free oxygen cylinders and kits.

They also made a video with the help of a doctor on how to use both the equipments.

He feels that it’s not hard to give up one car to save someone’s life.

He has a 2 year old daughter but she and his wife stay in another part of the house which he does not enter until he has been properly sanitised.

His name is Shahnawaz Shaikh and is 31 years old.

The God within.

Disclaimer: Based on true events.

– Tanisha Agrawal

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