Shattered dreams, biting reality : Corona Chronicle #093

A few years ago, he gave the sum that he had saved over almost 10 years to his mother.

His mother took the amount and locked it in a container at their home.

He earned that money by selling incense sticks and camphor.

His wife and him had a hand to mouth existence until the COVID-19 lockdown was announced.

After the lockdown, they had no source of income and not even money to eat once in a day.

They asked his mother to open the container and take out the money so that they could have some food before they starved.

They found 9 notes with a face value of Rupees 1,000 and 30 notes with a face value of Rupees 500.

They went to a nationalised bank in their village to deposit the money but the hopes of getting a meal soon was pushed away by fate.

They got to know that the notes they had saved for over 10 years were demonetised in 2016.

They did not know anything about this and were in utter disbelief.

There were tears in their eyes but were trying to fight them back, they were heartbroken.

The bank employees saw their condition and felt their heart melt too.

They wanted to help them somehow but were tied up with their own rules.

No one in the village had given them the news and their money was now worthless.

He also takes care of his elderly mother who is almost 90 years old and were in desperate need of money.

Their money was worth Rupees 24,000 but their currency notes could not be exchanged now.

He is a visually impaired man which was a setback for them already while his wife also has a physical disability.

They were both somehow leading their lives and making the most out of it when this struck them like a lightning bolt.

When the Collector of the area heard the story, he decided to help the couple.

He gave them Rupees 25,000 from his personal savings to help them.

His name is Somu and is 58 years and his wife’s name is Palaniyammal who is 49.

Shattered dreams, biting reality.

Disclaimer: Based on true events.

– Tanisha Agrawal

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